tirsdag den 18. maj 2010

Miscarriage again and again (3)

How do I overcome?

I am actually a very sensitive girl. But I have learned to live with loosing fetishes time after time.
Or I don't have a choice.

Basically I have this idea, that when ever I get pregnant- the same rules apply for me, as for any woman who cannot have a child herself, and who is not pregnant.
Meaning, that when ever I am pregant, there is about 2% chance that I will be a mother. Luckely I was blessed one time, and this gives me "normally" hope, that it can happen again.
When I write normally, it is because I have given up hope. The average hope!
For whenever I am pregnant again, I gain hope - like right now - only to end it again within a short periode of time. I usually loose the fetish before week 7- and being older, it is getting sooner and sooner.

But once a hand-reader told me that I was supposed to have 2 children, and there is still time.

To day I am pregnant. I am 3 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Not much. Perhaps my periode will come in a few days, perhaps it will come in 3 weeks. we will see

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